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Superintendent , Central Board of Secondary education

Thu, 01/02/2025 - 11:49 -- geeta.nair

Central Board of Secondary education

Highlights of the advertisement are given below, for complete details visit:
The last date for submission of the online applications, 31.01.2025

Online applications are invited for Direct Recruitment on All India Competitive Examination basis for
the following posts:- 

Post: Superintendent
No. of posts: 142, out of which  02 for Visually Impaired
Post Code: 10/24
Group: B
Pay Level-6
Place of posting: Any of the Board’s Office.

The selected candidates shall be posted in any of the offices of the Board i.e. Regional Offices, Centre
of Excellence/ ACCPD Rai Bareilly. Presently, the Regional Offices are located at Ajmer, Allahabad,
Bhubaneshwar, Bhopal, Bengaluru, Chennai, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Delhi, Dubai, Guwahati, Noida,
Patna, Panchkula, Pune, Thiruvananthapuram, Vijayawada and ACCPD Raebareli

It may be noted that posting to Headquarters and any specific Regional Offices/CoEs/ACCPD Rai
Bareilly will not be a matter of right, of any candidate, but will depend only on administrative
requirement, if any. The candidature of the candidate brining outside influence for seeking specific
posting will be summarily cancelled. 

Definitions of Specified Disabilities are provided in the Schedule of RPwBD Act, 2016. Degree of Benchmark Disability for reservation and Competent Authority for
Issue of Disability Certificate: Only such persons would be eligible for relaxation in conditions/ reservation in posts who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant benchmark disability. Those Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) who have
availed the relaxation and/or reservation and shortlisted for Document Verification have to submit Certificate of Disability issued by the Competent Authority as per the form
V, VI and VII of rule 18(1) under chapter 7 of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017 dated 15.06.2017. Refer prescribed proformas for the revised formats. The
existing certificates of disability issued under the Persons with Disabilities Act 1995 (since repealed) shall continue to be valid for the period specified therein.

The candidate(s) must have attained the minimum age of 18 years as on closing date of application i.e. 31.01.2025. The permissible relaxation in upper age limit for claiming age
relaxation is as follows: 

Age Relaxation: 10 years for PwD candidates.

Candidate(s) should note that the Date of Birth as recorded in the Class 10th/Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate, or marks sheet of Matriculation
Standard or equivalent issued by Central/State Board will be valid.

Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent. 

Working knowledge of Computer/Computer Applications such as Windows, MS-Office, handling of large
database, Internet.

Age: 30 years

No fee for PwD candidates.

The Tier 1 examination will be conducted in following cities:
City code, city and state


The cities/centres of examination will be decided by the Board though the preferences/ options submitted by candidates. While every effort will be made to allot a Centre in one of the cities
opted by the candidate, the Board reserves the right to allot a Centre in the City other than that of Candidate’s choice anywhere in India. The Board has the right to conduct the examination at
all the cities or any one of the cities or any other cities depending upon the number of the candidates and other compulsions. In case the number of candidate in any of the notified City
is very less for running the Examination Centre or any other specific reason, the Board at its discretion may not conduct the Examination in that City and the Candidates who has opted that
city as 1st Choice may be allotted Examination Centre in other city opted as 2nd or 3rd choice or any other city. Further, the Board reserves the right to modify/cancel the City/Centre opted
by candidates due to administrative reasons, if any. Decision of the Board will be final. Under no circumstances, the City/Centre once allotted shall be changed. 

The cities of examination for Tier-2 examination and Skill Test will be informed to the shortlisted candidates separately

Candidates MUST bring the following documents on the day of examination at the Examination Centre. Candidates who will not bring these will not be allowed to sit in the

a. Printed copy of Admit Card downloaded from CBSE website.
b. One passport size photograph (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form) should be taken for pasting on the specific space in the attendance sheet, if required, at
Centre during the examination
c. Any one of the authorized photo IDs (must be the original, valid, and non-expired)-PAN card/Driving License/Voter ID/Passport/Aadhaar Card (With photograph) E-Aadhaar
with photograph/Ration Card with photograph.
d. PwBD certificate issued by the authorized medical officer, if claiming the relaxation under PwBD category e. PwBD Certificate regarding physical limitation in an examination to write as per
proforma given in Information Bulletin, if claiming the relaxation under PwBD category.
f. Letter of Undertaking for using Own Scribe as per proforma given in Information
Bulletin, if claiming the relaxation under PwBD category.

Candidate shall appear at his/her own cost at the Examination Centre on the date, shift
and time indicated on their Admit Card.

The application printout will required to be submitted at the time of document verification along with the self-attested copies of certificates in support of Age, Qualification,
Experience, Caste, Non-Creamy Layer, Physical disability & Economically Weaker Section (EWS), as applicable. 

. Documents to be brought by candidates in original (as applicable) for verification are as indicated below:-
i. Matriculation/Class X/High School Examination Certificate or Equivalent certificate as Proof for Date of Birth. (The candidate’s name and the father/ mother’s name mentioned in the application will be verified with reference to the names
mentioned in his/her certificate.)
ii. Educational and Technical Certificate/Diploma/Degree from a recognized
Board/University or equivalent (As applicable).
iii. SC/ST certificate in the format as per prescribed proforma.
iv. OBC-NCL certificate in the format as per prescribed proforma(s)
v. Non creamy layer declaration by OBC candidates as per prescribed proforma
vi. Income & Asset certificate for Economically Weaker Section as per prescribed
vii. Original discharge certificate for Ex-servicemen.
viii. Medical Certificate for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) as perprescribed proformas as applicable.
ix. Certificate for persons having physical limitation to write and Letter for Undertaking
for using Scribe is essential for examination as per prescribed proformas.x. Self-declaration for Ex-servicemen as per prescribed proformas
xi. No Objection Certificate from serving employees with date of appointment. xii. Legal document in case of formal change of name viz. their original marriage certificate / affidavit in original etc.
xiii. Decree of divorce/judicial separation from the competent Court of Law as applicable and Affidavit stating that the candidate has not remarried.
xiv. Ex-Servicemen candidates who secure civil employment after applying for this notification should give self-declaration to the concerned employer about the details of application against this Notification, as soon as they join. The acknowledged copy of this declaration along with NOC from the civil employer should be produced during document verification.


Central Board of Secondary education
Minimum Education required: 
Specialisation required: 
Type of employer: 
Government jobs

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