St. Xavier’s College, XRCVC-Viviana Extension, invites you to an online workshop on “Using Google Sheets with NVDA – Part 2”, as part of the Tech Roshni series, aimed at bridging the digital divide...
IIT Delhi is organizing SANGAM on 1st March 2025 an annual inclusive sports event for students with disabilities studying in colleges across Delhi/NCR. The aim of conducting this event is to increase...
Spirotech द्वारा समर्थित नेशनल एसोसिएशन फॉर द ब्लाइंड-दिल्ली की डिजिटल लाइब्रेरी को इस पुस्तक की उपलब्धता की घोषणा करते हुए प्रसन्नता हो रही है। पुस्तक का नाम है: लोकमान्य बालगंगाधर तिलक (Lokmanya...
Webinar on Careers in Finance and Commerce for Visually Impaired Students by Divya Ability Foundation.
DivyaAbility Foundation Webinar: "Exploring Careers in Finance and Commerce for Students with Visual Impairment.
We are pleased to invite you to an insightful webinar focused on helping...
Exclusive Interview with Renowned Filmmaker Madhureeta Anand on Phree App and Women’s Safetyhttps://youtu.be/p9MRQ9z7hbQ
Breaking Barriers with Accessible Technology
The BPO sector, known for its reliance on voice-based services, holds significant potential for visually impaired individuals. However, the lack of...
The Mission Accessibility Community is conducting a global survey on accessibility, focusing on TalkBack and popular applications. Your feedback is crucial in highlighting the challenges faced by...
Have you go a solution for your daily task, education or livelihood? A game changing tech for independent travel? Or perhaps a fun invention for sports and celebrations? To learn about all this...
Hurry, offer ends soon.
50% OFF Limited Time Offer! Transform Your Music Skills with Omkar Naad Online Music Academy!
Register by May 31st, 2024, and get 50% off on all courses!
Pay just ₹999 per...
We are thrilled to invite you to participate in SAKSHAM TECHNO-CULTURAL FEST, a first-of-kind event in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, on the 15th and 16th of June! This event promises to celebrate talent...
Notification for Deepstambh Foundation's Manobal National Entrance Exam - Online Mode
•Online Exam Date: 4th July 2024
•Timings: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (with an additional 40 minutes allocated for Persons...
Webinar on Accessible Environment
Invitation to Our Webinar on Accessible Environment
Are you ready to enhance your skills and accelerate your career?
Invitation to Our Webinar on Accessible...
Cricket Association for the Blind in Delhi (CABD) Hosts 5-Day Coaching Camp for Visually Impaired Girls (Under-22)
The Cricket Association for the Blind in Delhi (CABD), a non-profit organization...
Delhi State Chess Championship for Visually Challenged 2024-25
Delhi State Chess Championship for Visually Challenged 2024-25. Which will be held in Delhi from 11th April 2024 to 13th April 2024....
Tech Roshni Online Workshop on Using Standard G-Mail with NVDA & JAWS on 6 Apr 2024 at 4:30 PM by XRCVC
St. Xavier’s College, XRCVC -Viviana extension is happy to announce an online workshop on...
Register Now for International Purple Fest, Goa - 2024
Dear Purple Fam ,
A burst of magic is coming to Goa, and it's calling YOUR name!
Save the Dates
When: 8th - 13th January, 2024
Find your “Life Partner” here…
“Match your ABILITIES rather than matching disabilities”
All India Twelfth Matrimony Meet for disabled, by Voice Vision
Voluntary Medicare Society (VMS) Srinagar J&K announces the commencement of Orientation to Computers for Persons with Visual Impairment. The course is conducted in collaboration with Enable India...
Workshop Announcement: An Orientation Program on Various Accessibility Features on Windows for Persons with Low Vision by Enable India.
Do you face challenges navigating your computer due to low...
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